
Erleben Sie, wie die unübertroffene Automatisierung von Testtools und -prozessen Ihnen dabei helfen kann, mehr Aufträge schneller abzuschließen und Netzwerkinstallationen auf Anhieb richtig zu liefern.
Entdecken Sie unsere Lösungen für
5G testing

5G testing

Testing 5G networks is essential to build a rock-solid and scalable fiber-based 5G network. Discover our end-to-end 5G network testing solutions.
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Coarse wavelength-division multiplexing (CWDM) is used to increase the bandwidth of an optical fiber by multiplexing several wavelengths (or colors) onto it—just like dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM).
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Rechenzentren in aller Welt stellen auf Glasfaser um. Von Kupfer zu Glasfaser und von 10G zu 40/100G, wobei LC- und MPO-Stecker dominieren.
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EXFO's solution to ensure smooth DWDM operation: inspection probes, OTDRs, power meters, dispersion testers and optical spectrum analyzers.
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Ethernet business services

Ethernet business services

See how EXFO speeds up the carrier Ethernet testing process with solutions optimized for turn-up testing, baselining, troubleshooting, monitoring and SLA validation.
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Fiber characterization

Fiber characterization

For network expansion, EXFO offers a full suite of fiber characterization solutions to meet the needs of today’s 10G, 40G and 100G networks.
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High Speed technology is complex, testing shouldn’t be
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Passive optical LAN testing

Passive optical LAN testing

Following the FTTH trend to deliver more bandwidth to the consumers, a new technology is rising to provide more bandwidth, more services and future-proof networks to the enterprises: Passive Optical LAN (POL).
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Residential network services

Residential network services

Installing residential network services running at gigabit broadband speeds? Ensure all testing requirements and best practices have been followed.
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Rural broadband

Rural broadband

Rolling out rural fiber-optic infrastructure successfully under funded programs like BEAD or RDOF.
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Submarine networks

Submarine networks

Ensure rollout and optimize performance of 40G/100G submarine fiber optic networks.
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