FTBx-945 Telco OLTS -

Multifunction optical loss test set (OLTS) for the FTB-2 and FTB-2 PRO platforms

Key features

Perform 100% automated bidirectional tests at two wavelengths in under 5 seconds with FasTesT™
100% automated fiber inspection: one-step process with pass/fail analysis at both ends
On-board assistant and diagnosis to reduce reference errors and negative loss
Improved short fiber measurement
Compatible with FTB-2 and FTB-2 PRO platforms
Best-in-class singlemode distance range of 200 km


Telco fully automated OLTS module

The FTBx-940/945 Telco OLTS can measure insertion loss (IL), optical return loss (ORL) and fiber length at two wavelengths under 5 seconds via fully automated bidirectional FasTesT™ analysis. FTTx certification and outside plant network testing just became a lot faster.

OLTS module for Telco, FTTx and outside plant testing

Ever since its introduction in 1996, the patented FasTesT™ technology revolutionized the industry by fully automating the test sequence, thereby saving countless hours of testing and troubleshooting in the field. Proven in thousands of diverse network deployments across the globe, FasTesT™ truly generates CAPEX/OPEX savings.

Testergebnisse teilen. Konformität stärken. Einblicke gewinnen.

Cloud-gehostete Lösung zum Teilen von Testergebnissen und zur Sicherung der Konformität. 

In Verbindung mit den branchenführenden Testern von EXFO steuert EXFO Exchange ein komplettes Ökosystem und fügt sich nahtlos in Ihre vorhandenen Betriebsabläufe ein. 

Vorteile :


icon automate test results managementAutomatisches Management der Testergebnisse.

icon boost compliance efficiencyGrößere Konformität und Effizienz.

icon improve collaboration visibilityBessere Zusammenarbeit und Sichtbarkeit.

icon access comprehensive reportingZugriff auf lückenlose Berichte.

icon unlock insights see what mattersAussagekräftige und relevante Einblicke.
