The handheld OTDR... with proven performance
The MaxTester 700D Series builds on the proven tablet-inspired, lightweight and rugged OTDR MaxTester platform. The familiar 7-inch, outdoor-enhanced touchscreen continues to deliver an unprecedented user experience with its intuitive Windows-like GUI ensures a fast learning curve. The OTDR 2 environment offers icon-based functions, instant boot-up, automatic macrobend finders as well as improved auto and real-time modes.
The MaxTester 700D Series is a line of genuine high-performance OTDRs from the world’s leading manufacturer. It delivers EXFO’s tried and true OTDR quality and accuracy along with the best optical performance for right-first-time results, every time.
The amazing 12-hour battery life will never let a technician down, and the plug-and-play hardware options, like the VFL, power meter and USB tools, make every technician’s job easier.
Most importantly, the MaxTester 700D Series comes with the intelligent Optical Link Mapper (iOLM), an intelligent OTDR-based application. This advanced software turns even the most complex trace analysis into a simple, one-touch task.
Ultimately, the MaxTester 700D Series is small enough to fit in your hand and big enough to fit all your needs!
Entry-level solution designed for all your testing needs
The MaxTester 735D (MAX-735D) is a PON/metro OTDR that is optimized for metro/core and FTTx/MDU rollouts and troubleshooting.
- Accurately characterize high port-count PON splitters and metro links with dynamic range up to 42 dB for up to 144 km point-to-point (P2P).
- Identify faults closer to splitters with short event and attenuation dead zones.
- Simplify in-service troubleshooting with a single port, optional in-line 1490/1550 nm PON power meter, and user-friendly graphical interface.
Key features
Dynamic range up to 42 dB for up to 144 km point-to-point (P2P)
Support high port count PON splitters (up to 1x128)
Live fiber testing
Short dead zones: event dead zone (EDZ) = 0.5 m; attenuation dead zone (ADZ) = 2.0 m; PON dead zone = 25 m
Single port for in-service troubleshooting with in-line 1490/1550 nm PON power meter (optional)
iOLM-ready: one-touch multiple acquisitions, with visually clear go/no-go results
Industry-leading onboard PDF reporting and post‑processing

FTTx/MDU test challenges within PON networks
Metro/core network testing (P2P)
Manufacturing automation

Testergebnisse teilen. Konformität stärken. Einblicke gewinnen.
Cloud-gehostete Lösung zum Teilen von Testergebnissen und zur Sicherung der Konformität.
In Verbindung mit den branchenführenden Testern von EXFO steuert EXFO Exchange ein komplettes Ökosystem und fügt sich nahtlos in Ihre vorhandenen Betriebsabläufe ein.
Vorteile :

Automatisches Management der Testergebnisse.
Größere Konformität und Effizienz.
Bessere Zusammenarbeit und Sichtbarkeit.
Zugriff auf lückenlose Berichte.
Aussagekräftige und relevante Einblicke.
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