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Wunderbar! 100G Seminars in Germany

With the remarkable increased demand for bandwidth , telecom operators are getting ready to deploy 100G solutions. To help its customers piece together the high-speed technology puzzle, EXFO organized joint, full-day seminars with ADVA, Finisar and Juniper in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt in Germany.

The seminars focused on 100G technology basics covering topics from Layer 1 to Layer 4. The EXFO focus was on new products like the high-speed multiservice test module  FTB-88100NGE, and the WDM Investigator, the ultimate OPEX-saving, troubleshooting tool for the FTB-5240S/BP optical spectrum analyzer.

Germany - 100G Seminers 100G Seminar - Germany

These seminars were so successful and received such positive feedback that EXFO is taking them on a world tour: More cities in Europe, the Middle East, Russia, North America, etc. Here are a few examples of comment we received following these events:

“Perfectly prepared and well presented. Great event.” ~ Düsseldorf

“Excellent, please organize more seminars like this.” ~ Frankfurt

If you'd like to register to a seminar near you, visit our event page regularly.