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Myth Busting… The Truth About Connectors

Webinar of the Week Blog Series

What do cable installers and network operators have in common? They both agree that the majority of their network failures are the result of connector endface contamination. This means contamination should never be underestimated. It is therefore important to understand the impact of contamination, whether it is the result of mishandling, the environment, improper cleaning products or normal wear and tear.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools available to help overcome problems related to contamination. In addition to cleaning tools, there are inspection probes. It may not always be easy to decide which one to buy; especially since some offer higher magnification, while others offer higher resolution. Which is best?

In this webinar, you will explore everything related to connector inspection, from contamination sources and cleaning tools to the difference between magnification and resolution in inspection probes. This event was done in collaboration with US Conec.

Here is what attendees had to say about this event: 

~ "The information presented on this webinar will be useful to my work."

~ "Nice job of presenting the keys for cleaning and inspection of the fiber connector endface."

~ "Great webcast. Very useful information for the importance and procedures for cleaning fiber and optical interfaces."

~ "It provided a lot of info that we could share with co-workers to make our network better."

Watch this webinar now.