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How Analytics and Virtualization Are Redefining VoLTE and Wi-Fi Calling Performance

Without a doubt, VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling are completely transforming the industry, thanks to consumers skyrocketing use of over-the-top (OTT) applications and smartphone usage. However, along with this growth comes an increase in complexity for operators, from both a technical and organizational perspective.

Particularly with VoLTE, a call today crosses multiple organizational silos, including wireless, fixed line, backhaul and transport, and IMO. These silos have to work seamlessly together to ensure optimal quality of experience (QoE), which put tremendous pressure on operators to make it work. From a technical standpoint, VoLTE is much more sophisticated than traditional calling technology—and much more demanding. Operators now deal with latency and signaling latency, making delivering high-performance voice much more complicated than before.

So how can operators ensure real-time, end-to-end network and service assurance?

Welcome to the opportunity of analytics, network function virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networks (SDN).

Monica Paolini, from Senza Fili, recently sat down with Michael Campbell, Director of Service Assurance at EXFO to discuss the role of analytics and end-to-end network and service assurance in VoLTE. The interview, EXFO: With analytics, VoLTE leverages real-time,end-to-end network and service assurance, provides great insight into EXFO’s approach to helping operators fulfill their on their obligations in providing stellar call quality—all while leveraging the potential that VoLTE can afford. It’s must-read that gets to the heart of operator challenges and what they can do to overcome them.

Download the full interview.