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The Bad Karma of Customer Churn and Why It’s Crucial to Avoid It

Customer churn hurts. Losing customers is bad enough, but the negative word-of-mouth that often ensues adds insult to injury by damaging opportunities with prospective customers. In today’s customer-centric telecommunications market—characterized by high demand for new services and fierce competition—a damaged reputation is baggage that mobile network operators can’t afford.

The bad karma of customer churn is an unforgiving, vicious cycle: failure to deliver expected service quality will snowball into something nasty. Success and survival demand a new mindset. Network operators must go beyond mere network monitoring and troubleshooting, and wholeheartedly embrace proactive network management to keep churn in check.

A proactive approach to live network monitoring, virtualization of services, infrastructure health checks, reporting and maintenance will neutralize impending issues before they impact quality of service. Of course, this means cultivating a new mindset and investing in the right tools. Or face the bad karma of customer churn.

For further reading on proactive network management solutions and how to reduce mean time to repair, download our free white paper: Breaking the Churn Cycle–Reducing Churn in a Demanding Customer Environment