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Mitigate Customer Churn: Harness the Power of End-to-End Service Experience Analytics

As global consumption of telecommunications services, need for bandwidth, and increasing competition from over-the-top (OTT) players continue to skyrocket, communications service providers (CSPs) are facing mounted pressure to keep a stronghold on their subscribers—and revenues.

Customer experience management (CEM), a broad term that covers all the different touchpoints between a customer and a CSP, may be viewed in theory as the solution for boosting customer retention. However, there are so many solutions and approaches on the market, that CSPs can actually become dizzy with the options.

VanillaPlus interviewed Anssi Tauriainen, EXFO’s Director of Analytics Business Development, to get his take on what low-hanging CEM fruit CSPs can take advantage of to mitigate customer churn.

According to Anssi, it all starts with end-to-end service experience quality, an aspect of CEM that EXFO is focusing development on—and proving to be a practical means for different teams within a CSP to become aligned and unified in improving customers’ quality of experience (QoE).