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Five failures not found in lab testing

Going live confidently with voice over LTE (VoLTE) services imply a lot of pre-testing to ensure that subscribers get the quality of experience they expect. But even after in-depth testing in the lab, failures show up, calls are dropped and networks go down.

Here are five common failures that service operators face in live networks despite pre-testing in the lab:

  1. Some subscribers are unable to access voice and data services
  2. Unexpected number of dropped calls
  3. Call quality cannot be maintained
  4. Service-level agreement mismatch
  5. Network couldn’t handle calls at only 55% of its capacity

Why do failures still pop up despite the most thorough lab testing?

The main reason is that geo-redundant production networks with multiple vendors and multiple applications and technologies have different configurations and dimensions from the lab network. There is no other way around it: testing the production network is key to avoid unpleasant surprises in your live network.

To learn which tests to do and how to best perform them, watch this short but highly informative cartoon-style video: Going Live with VoLTE?.