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Four steps to a higher network IQ!

EXFO CEO Philippe Morin was interviewed at BCE in Austin, Texas about virtualization and the major paradigm shift currently occurring in the telecom industry, where on-demand services are fast becoming the new normal and network IQ is crucial. So, what exactly is network IQ? In Philippe’s opinion, it consists of bringing more intelligence to the network, from the design stage going forward in order to incorporate more resilience and learning capabilities into the network. Moreover, he believes that the path to a higher network IQ starts with four key steps: simulating new services, incorporating network surveillance to gather data about the network, automating and orchestrating all the different testing procedures and, lastly, making use of analytics, wherein the information collected is analyzed in real-time.  Ultimately, network monitoring and analytics play pivotal roles by providing data derived from the network or from probes that help to boost the overall network IQ or intelligence.

Another important factor to consider with regards to network IQ is real-time topology, which examines the current network inventory. There can be considerable changes with regards to the inventory in a network, especially where services are commissioned and decommissioned at the drop of a hat. Thus, understanding your topology in real-time is also critical. For more of Philippe Morin’s insights on network IQ and how to boost it, watch the full interview.