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FTTdp: Best Practices for Efficient Networks

The high demand for connectivity speed is greater than ever these days. Although it provides considerably faster connectivity speeds than those being offered by current DSL technologies, fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) remains a costly and complex connectivity solution to roll out. FTTH aside, what other options can you look to in order to meet your connectivity needs?

Well, there’s, a new broadband access DSL standard that promises fiber-like speeds of up to 1 Gbit/s for loops shorter than 500 m, but without the hefty costs associated with installing FTTH. Alongside is a new optical infrastructure, fiber-to-the-distribution-point (FTTdp), which allows fiber to be installed closer to the subscriber but without breaking the bank.

Here are a few best practices to help you reach the speeds you need while ensuring that your network operates efficiently, which helps you avoid delays and costly repairs when the system is turned up.

Optical distribution networks best practices

  1. Perform testing at each and every deployment phase.
  2. Establish test methods of procedure (MOPs) that include all the steps or list all actions needed to deploy the fiber.
  3. Use automated and intelligent software to reduce human error as much as possible. copper twisted pair networks best practices

  1. Complete automated (or VDSL2) test scripts or closeout tests to validate subscriber data rates, signal-to-noise ratio and confirm that there are no errors on the line.
  2. Ensure your test equipment has additional copper test tools on board to locate faults and provide a diagnostic.
  3. Collect test results from the field and learn from them.

For all the details about these best practices, read our latest application note. You’ll also find the definition of key technologies around, FTTdp, FTTN, FTTC and FTTH installations and a rundown of methods of procedures to deploy these technologies effectively, maximize your ROI and ensure field job compliance and reliability.