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How to ensure automation drives effective NFV/SDN orchestration

Software-defined networks (SDNs) leveraging virtual network functions (VNFs) promise to reshape the networks of communications service providers (CSPs) in order to enable new, faster and more customizable services, while simultaneously allowing CSPs to optimize network resources and reduce operating expenses. No doubt, this is a tall order to fill, and one that requires a different way of operating.

The key to success is applying analytics-driven automation. By taking as much human intervention as possible out of the equation, CSPs can achieve the automated provision of new services while continuously optimizing network resources and service quality. But how can CSPs ensure this automation will generate the desired outcome?

The answer lies within the concept of classic control theory. By continuously monitoring certain key performance indicators (KPIs) or key quality indicators (KQIs), and feeding them back into the analytics-driven orchestration systems, the network creates a closed-loop system that can continually adjust itself based on real-time quality metrics, which are compared against expected or threshold values. Closing the loop enables autonomous, self-optimizing behavior, based on established rules or policies, without the risk of human error, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

To learn more about how EXFO enables the closed-loop optimization of virtual and hybrid networks download our white paper: Multi-dimensional analytics: why real-time is critical.