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Practice makes perfect

Specifically, 10 000 hours of practice makes perfect. This is the rule that was put forth by Malcolm Gladwell in his book, The Outliers: The Secret of Success, and is the same rule that EXFO applies to its expertise in telecom network testing, except that it is more like 50 000 hours. Like countless other industrious companies, the time we have spent on research and development has led to technological breakthroughs that will improve operational efficiency and quality for network operators and equipment manufacturers. This is why we are the world’s top supplier of portable optical testing solutions.

The iOLM is a prime example of the 10 000-hour rule. We have been able to integrate all our OTDR-testing expertise into a simple, easy-to-use software that replaces the 10 000 hours of training required to turn a fiber technician into an expert.

So, what if you could hire the ULTIMATE fiber testing technician? Would you?