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Are You Ready for the 400G Ride?

Just as 100G technology is ramping up towards full deployment, comes the announcement that growing bandwidth demand is already pushing the next stage of the optical revolution towards 400G.

And the race is on, because according to the  IEEE’s latest projections, by 2015, networks will need to support capacity requirements of 1 terabit per second, and 10 terabits per second by 2020 if current trends continue—all to meet the project 58% compound annual growth rates in bandwidth driven by increases in social media, video-on-demand, and other services, in addition to access rates, users and access methodologies. 400 Gbit/s is a vital stepping stone to reaching the ultimate 1 Tbit/s objective, but to achieve this goal, 400G network implementation calls for thorough 400G testing

In response to the bandwidth and capacity demands that high-speed triple-play services, data centers and higher-bandwidth residential broadband connections are placing on carriers, system manufacturers are devoting more and more energy to developing 400G in response to this growing need for speed. And, to support this booming demand for network bandwidth, the IEEE launched a study group in early April to explore development of a 400 Gbit/s Ethernet standard.

To be more competitive and ride the profit wave driven by this increasing demand for bandwidth, network element manufacturers (NEMS) and carriers need to be able to respond to requests quickly with a high-performance 400G tester enabling them to maximize their test equipment investment.

True to its mission and vision, EXFO is leading this innovation with the launch of the IQS-610P-HS-400G, its new high-speed testing offering that goes above and beyond 100G by filling the 400 Gbit/s data pipe and providing the flexibility to configure up to four 100 Gbit/s client interfaces. This new launch fulfills the need of NEMs and carriers to qualify 400 Gbit/s implementation and validate key performance indicators for services.

The IQS-610P-HS-400G  builds on the new IQS-88100G Power Blazer module, and is the industry’s first and only integrated 400G testing solution. More specifically, this new solution enables NEMs and early adopters of 400 Gbit/s technology to simulate real-life services at 400 Gbit/s link capacity and monitor key QoS metrics to validate systems manufacturers’ implementations.

To get the full story on this new and exciting high-speed test solution that will be driving the industry, check out the official press release.