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Next Generation Optical/Transport Network Technology: Successful Seminars in Asia

On February 25th and 26th, EXFO and its local partner, Stellent Networks, held two free seminars in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. These seminars focused on the latest telco technologies and trends, the biggest challenges facing the industry as well as the most complete optical/transport testing solutions available.

Attendants learned about the importance of connector care, inspection and analysis, basics of OTDR/IL/ORL testing as well as advanced optical CD/PMD testing (single/dual test set). From hands-on presentations, they found out how powerful spectral analysis tools can save troubleshooting time and learned to implement testing best practices.

All attendants were very pleased with the topics that were discussed, especially during the demo sessions. Most attendees could not get enough of them, asking for longer sessions.

Also, the newly launched FIP-430B Fiber Inspection Probe proved to be the show stopper that it is. People could not believe all the automation that was integrated in this little instrument and how easy it is to operate.

If you would like to attend similar events, you can now register for our upcoming seminars on the EXFO website. For more information on the FIP-430B Fiber Inspection Probe, visit the product page.