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Turning-up Ethernet services? Choose the right test methodology.

With its unmatched scalability and cost-effectiveness, all Ethernet/IP based networks are becoming the choice infrastructure for service providers. Strict service-level agreements (SLAs) must be respected to ensure those services are properly delivered.

Choosing a structured testing methodology to measure if SLA targets are being met is especially important. It means being better aligned to deliver superior quality of service (QoS). Because at the end of the day, all that hard work behind the scenes is meant to ensure that subscribers are so happy with the service they’re receiving that they remain your customers. Telling their friends about your excellent service would be a bonus too, but I digress…

So what is the best way for communications service providers to validate the performance of those critical networks?

Even though the testing methodology outlined in RFC 2544 has been widely utilized since its creation in 1999, today’s networks have evolved incredibly since then along with the criteria for service activation testing. Far and away the best choice for testing and troubleshooting the Ethernet services of today is the ITU-T Y.1564 standard. Since old habits die hard, not all service providers have made the switch—but they should. 

Sometimes we need a little push to take that first step in a new direction. Our application note, Selecting the Optimal Test Methodology for Ethernet Service Turn-Up, does just that.

It provides details about both the drawbacks of the RFC 2544 test methodology and the reliability of Y.1564 for analysis of SLA targets. A seamless way to transition now from RFC 2544 to Y.1564 testing is discussed. And, you’ll find an introduction to EXFO’s iSAM, a simplified and automated version of Y.1564.