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Five benefits of virtual active probes in virtualized networks

Network functions virtualization (NFV) is changing the way we design and build networks. The promise of NFV is that of a virtualized, more elastic network infrastructure that can be summoned and tailored on demand by operators to meet the needs of the specific customer services being delivered. In a nutshell, this means an optimized network, lower costs, improved and more customizable services as well as a granular view into service utilization and service quality.

Virtualized network infrastructure also means radically transformed service assurance (SA). The unprecedented granularity of the virtual infrastructure allows for testing and supporting services on a per-customer basis at low cost and in real time. To keep the promise of NFV from the end user’s perspective, a whole new generation of service assurance solutions needs to be deployed.

One of the main components of a comprehensive SA solution is the virtual active probe. Let’s have a quick look at five immediate benefits of using virtual active probes for NFV:

  1. Accurate, granular view of service availability and performance.
  2. Speed of certification.
  3. Low certification cost.
  4. Enhanced customer satisfaction.
  5. Customer self-service.

Virtual active probes are only one of the three components identified by recent research in making a fully comprehensive SA solution.

For an in-depth read into how active probes bring about these benefits, what constitutes a comprehensive SA solution and how to maintain the highest quality of experience in the age of NFV, download Heavy Reading’s and EXFO’s joint white paper: Assuring Right-On-Demand Service Launches in the Virtualized Network.