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WebRTC: Seizing the opportunities, mitigating the risks

Web real-time communication (WebRTC) technology enables real-time communications between web browsers and across all devices to deliver richer forms of unified communications services.

Although WebRTC provides amazing opportunities for service providers to extend existing VoLTE, ViLTE, VoWiFi and RCS services and create entirely new, customer-driven services, it’s not without its challenges.

A WebRTC deployment must be carried out using a well-defined and standardized strategy. Moreover, service providers need to consider architectural requirements as well as testing challenges—from end-to-end orchestration to ensuring optimal service uptimes.

EXFO’s latest webinar provides the insight you need on how to effectively test and deploy standardized WebRTC services with confidence. If you’re looking to better understand how to successfully pull of your upcoming WebRTC implementation, including networks, devices and protocols, this webinar is a must-see.