Technical documentation
Spec sheets, reference guides, white papers. Find all you need to learn more about our test orchestration and real-time 3D analytics solutions.
Spec sheet
Test Access Module Kit (TAMK) - English
(May 06, 2021)
Spec sheet
Test Access Module Kit (TAMK) - 中文
(May 06, 2021)
Spec sheet
Test Access Module Kit (TAMK) - Français
(May 06, 2021)
Discontinued spec sheets
FG-750 – Fiber Guardian Series - English
(April 27, 2021)
Discontinued spec sheets
FG-750 – Fiber Guardian Series - 中文
(April 27, 2021)
Spec sheet
WA-5000 Wavelength Analyzer - English
(April 22, 2021)
Spec sheet
WA-5000 Wavelength Analyzer - 中文
(April 22, 2021)
Spec sheet
FOT-5205 DWDM channel checker - English
(March 15, 2021)
Spec sheet
FOT-5205 DWDM channel checker - 中文
(March 15, 2021)
Spec sheet
FOT-5205 DWDM channel checker - Français
(March 15, 2021)
White papers
Navigating the murky waters of swept PDL measurements - English
(February 25, 2021)
Spec sheet
FTB-4 Pro platform - English
(January 21, 2021)
Spec sheet
FTB-4 Pro platform - 中文
(January 21, 2021)
Spec sheet
FTB-4 Pro platform - Français
(January 21, 2021)
Multimedia trainings
FastReporter 3 & TestFlow How-to Register and Activate - English
(January 18, 2021)
Application notes
Understanding and mitigating OTDR "gainers" - English
(November 16, 2020)
Application notes
Understanding and mitigating OTDR "gainers" - 中文
(November 16, 2020)
Multimedia trainings
FastReporter 3 & TestFlow How-to Download and Install - English
(November 05, 2020)
White papers
Enabling inventory transformation - English
(October 29, 2020)