Success stories
All success storiesCenturyLink Lumen differentiates enterprise network services on ‘quality’ with Nova Active
CenturyLink selected Nova Active to provide accurate and granular performance KPIs, service turnup testing and SLA reporting.
CSP offers premium network services backed by topology-aware transport assurance
EXFO helps a Tier 1 European CSP build faster, more dependable networks to improve its revenue streams
All resources
Detecting latency issues in 5G networks - English
(November 09, 2022)
The big data paradox - English
(July 27, 2021)
Structural tension: how capturing 5G enterprise revenue challenges MNOs - English
(September 29, 2021)
Active Network Testing in Telecom Networks - English
(July 11, 2021)
Active versus passive assurance – are both needed, and why? - English
(March 09, 2017)
The role of active and passive monitoring in virtual networks - English
(February 07, 2019)
Visibility into your IP service performance with TWAMP - English
(May 16, 2023)
White papers
Assuring Right-On-Demand Service Launches in the Virtualized Network - English
(March 08, 2016)
White papers
SDN and NFV the critical role of active assurance - English
(February 12, 2017)
White papers
SDN and NFV the critical role of active assurance - 中文
(February 12, 2017)
White papers
How to Improve QoS and QoE with End-to-End Service Assurance in a Virtualized SDN/NFV Network - English