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Technical documentation

Spec sheets, reference guides, white papers. Find all you need to learn more about our test orchestration and real-time 3D analytics solutions.

Spec sheet
QualityAssurer IoT Test Solution - English (August 15, 2018)
Spec sheet
QualityAssurer IoT Test Solution - 中文 (August 15, 2018)
White papers
Why OSAs are a better choice for spectral analysis than optical channel monitors - English (August 14, 2018)
White papers
Why OSAs are a better choice for spectral analysis than optical channel monitors - 中文 (August 14, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
IQS-8805 Power Blazer - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
IQS-8805 Power Blazer - 中文 (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-8805 - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-8805 - 中文 (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB/IQS-8830NGE Power Blazer - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB/IQS-8830NGE Power Blazer - 中文 (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
IQS-8130NGE Power Blazer - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-8130NGE Power Blazer - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - English (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - Français (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - 中文 (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - Español (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - Deutsch (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
FTB-1 Platform - Português (August 10, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
pB100A4 - English (August 07, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
pB100A4 - 中文 (August 07, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
MaxTester 730B - English (August 07, 2018)
Discontinued spec sheets
MaxTester 730B - 中文 (August 07, 2018)