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Smarter verification of copper pairs and location of faults during the installation and repair of voice and DSL circuits.
ProductsEXFO is the leader in the development of intelligent fault correction and measurement test sets for access networks. These copper, xDSL/multiplay handheld instruments eliminate guesswork when deploying or maintaining advanced IP services over hybrid architectures.
ProductsThe only distributed PMD analyzer on the market, offering simplified PMD assessment for identification of faulty sections on links.
ProductsOptimized CD/PMD characterization with single-ended testing of multiple links from one location
ProductsModel(s) available: FLS-5834B Modulated, polarized, high-power LED that can also be used as a broadband source for DWDM channel and component testing.
ProductsChromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) hamper transmission in high-speed networks. These speed-limiting phenomena threaten the integrity of the signal starting at 10 Gbit/s, which in turn affects the quality of service.
ProductsFastest and first inspection in the industry for single-fiber, multi-fiber and duplex connectors, with the most reliable results. Self-contained, fully automated tool for zero-button testing all day—without the need to recharge batteries or offload results.