Yenista has joined the EXFO family
"We intend to leverage Yenista's technology leadership, EXFO's global sales presence and strong brand to further increase market share in optical testing, especially in lab and manufacturing use cases for network equipment and component vendors." Germain Lamonde, EXFO's Executive Chairman
Yenista products are sold by the test & measurement team and in particular under NEMs and Labs
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CT400 - optical component tester
CTP10 - 无源光器件测试平台
性能强大的无源光器件测试平台,适用于测试WDM器件和光子集成电路OSA20 - 光谱分析仪
OSICS ATN - 高功率的可变光衰减器
OSICS ATN集成了行业标准的衰减器元器件,具有很宽的衰减范围,可在很大的波长范围内工作。OSICS BKR - 可变背向反射器
设计用于测量背向反射(回损)对转发器原型影响的可变背向反射器。OSICS DFB CWDM - 高功率激光二极管模块
高性能的分布式反馈激光二极管,非常适用于CWDM网测试OSICS DFB LANWDM - DFB激光器
OSICS DFB LANWDM模块是高性能的分布式反馈激光二极管,非常适用于测试硅光电晶片。OSICS Mainframe - 多功能平台
用于光纤元器件测试的多功能模块化平台,最多可容纳8个可插拔模块OSICS SWT - 光开关和光闸
在实验室和制造环境中将测试设置自动化的理想光开关和光闸。OSICS SLD - 宽带光源
包含超辐射发光二极管的宽带光源,是进行光元器件测试的理想之选OSICS T100 - 可调谐激光模块
步进式外腔可调谐激光器模块,可覆盖所有电信波长OSICS TLS-AG - WDM可调谐激光器
T100S-HP - 高功率连续可调谐激光器
XFA - 带宽固定的可调谐滤波器
XTA-50 - 带宽可调节的可调谐滤波器
可通过电子方式控制。中心波长和带宽都可以精确的独立设置。涵盖1260 nm至1650 nm的所有主要波长和32 pm(4 GHz)至5 nm的带宽。XTM-50 - 带宽可调节的可调谐滤波器
通过XTM-50,可独立地调整中心波长和带宽。它采取手动控制方式,可用的型号涵盖1260 nm至1650 nm的所有主要电信波长和32 pm(4 GHz)至5 nm的带宽。EXFO develops smarter test, monitoring and analytics solutions for the global communications industry. We are trusted advisers to fixed and mobile network operators, hyperscalers and leaders in the manufacturing, development and research sector. They count on us to deliver superior visibility and insights into network performance, service reliability and user experience. Building on our 35 years of innovation, EXFO’s unique blend of equipment, software and services enable faster, more confident transformations related to 5G, cloud-native and fiber optic networks.