Understanding CD and PMD tests
- May 11, 2020
- 11:00 a.m. EDT / 3:00 p.m. GMT / 8:00 a.m. PDT
- 1 hour

The increasing demand for anytime, anywhere connectivity is stretching network bandwidth limits and the fiber network must be ready to support this greater density of information.
In recent years, fiber optic transmitter technology has evolved, pushing the boundaries of the impossible to the possible via smaller, faster, cheaper transceivers. But what about the fiber itself? Is the bandwidth that fiber can support infinite?
The obvious answer is “no”. In fact, even singlemode fiber has significant limitations in the form of dispersion, namely chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and induced nonlinear effects (NLE).
This webinar will equip you with the much-needed insight for making more informed decisions on when to test CD and PMD.
Key takeaways:
- Understanding the nature and effects of CD, PMD and NLE through graphical interpretation
- Best practices for complete fiber characterization, with focus on CD and PMD
- Understanding the impact of CD and PMD on next-generation transceivers throughout the network