Legacy DSN/PDH testing
Our ultra-portable field-testing solutions for DSn/PDH and full legacy SONET/SDH are designed for installation, commissioning and maintenance of access and metro networks. These solutions offer test functions that range from BER measurements to advanced characterization.FTB-1 Pro - plataforma
Esta plataforma de prueba multitecnológica verdaderamente rápida y potente le otorga poder a los técnicos de primera línea
FTB-2 Pro - plataforma
La plataforma de prueba más compacta para múltiples tecnologías para los súper tecnólogos.
FTB-4 Pro - Test platform
The most flexible solution to test multiple technologies and high speed networks.
FTBx-88260 - módulo de pruebas multiservicio de 1G a 100G
Módulo de pruebas de 1G-100G personalizables (incluye 25G/50G) diseñado para diversos tipos de transceptores a través del Sistema de transceptor abierto (OTS) de EXFO
FTBx-8870/8880 Power Blazer - 10G multiservice test modules
Versatile 10G multiservice test modules for lab and field applications.
MAX-800 Series - Ethernet and transport testing up to 100G
The MAX-800 Series is an easy-to-use, portable test solution designed to meet the most stringent test requirements when installing, activating and troubleshooting Ethernet connections and transport links from 10M to 100G.