FOT-600 - Conjunto de pruebas de pérdida óptica

El Conjunto de pruebas de pérdida óptica FOT-600 es la herramienta ideal para la calificación de enlaces de red. Forma parte de la serie portátil 600 de EXFO, que incluye el Medidor de potencia FPM-600 y la Fuente de luz FLS-600.

Características principales

Funciones sin errores, que permiten ahorrar tiempo: reconocimiento automático de longitudes de onda, y no se requiere anulación de desviación
Fácil gestión de datos y transferencia a PC vía USB
Función de conmutación automática de longitud de onda para pruebas de múltiples longitudes de onda
Localizador visual de fallos (VFL) estándar para una rápida y sencilla solución de problemas


Caracterización de pérdida de enlaces
Certificación de red

Premios y reconocimientos

La innovación y el liderazgo siempre han sido la verdadera esencia de EXFO. Todos los años nos esforzamos por desarrollar soluciones que garanticen una experiencia superior para el cliente con redes modernas y más inteligentes. Recibir reconocimiento por ello siempre constituye un gran honor. Obtenga más información sobre nuestros premios:


Ideal for Network-Link Qualification

Designed for first-class ease of use, the FOT-600 features a pass/fail LED indicator; what’s more, it lets you set your own thresholds for absolute or relative loss measurements.

Thanks to its memory capacity of 1000 data items and its built-in reporting software, the FOT-600 facilitates data management and enables data transfer to a PC via USB connection. Create and customize a complete test report, including certification of the link with pass/fail information.

Error-Free Test Features in a Highly Versatile Unit

When using the FOT-600 in Auto-Switching mode, the light source automatically toggles between available wavelengths. The power meter recognizes the wavelength in use and switches to the proper calibration parameter. With a press of a button, you can store results for all wavelengths at once, providing easy and error-free testing.

Thanks to its unique design, the FOT-600 Optical Loss Test Set reduces risk of error and measurement time in typical measurement situations, as the need for an offset nulling is eliminated.

In addition to network-link qualification features, the highly accurate FOT-600 offers over 40 calibrated wavelengths, including all CWDM wavelengths. What’s more, it lets you measure power fluctuations with its Hold Min/Max Power function.

FTTx Ready

EXFO’s FOT-600 allows for the testing of passive optical networks (PONs) at 1310 nm, 1490 nm and 1550 nm, the three wavelengths recommended by the ITU-T (G.983.3) for PONs.

Rugged and Versatile

Like all EXFO portable instruments, the FOT-600 is built for top ruggedness and versatility, perfect for the harshest test conditions.

It features a keypad/LCD backlight, for easy operation in darker environments. What’s more, it is powered by a rechargeable battery.

Reporting Software

This new software tool enables you to produce professional-looking reports with comprehensive documentation. It also offers these functionalities:

  • Two test files can be merged into one test report
  • Pass/fail thresholds that are active during download are automatically activated and displayed in the Report Viewer
  • One-touch storage of results for all wavelengths at once
  • Unit B configuration information can be input and documented
  • Data transfer can be launched from the Report Viewer window
  • A pass/fail threshold can be set for an individual fiber or wavelength
