Test Access Module Kit -

Combines with the FG-750 or RTU-2 as part Nova Fiber remote fiber testing system.

Características principales

Combina longitud(es) de onda OTDR de 1625 y/o 1650 nm con señales de tráfico OLT/ONT/Tx/Rx hasta 1614 nm
Conjunto WDM de 24 canales
Construcción densa, de solo 1U de altura y menos de 300 mm de profundidad
Puertos de acceso frontal SC-APC, izquierdo para OLT, derecho para red/ODN
Espiralado en la parte posterior para conexión directa con el equipo de prueba, lo que permite ahorrar un puente y una conexión de 3 m de largo
Modelos espiralados en la parte posterior para SC, LC, MTP de 12 fibras y MPO de 8 fibras


TAM couples OTDR to line

Test access module (TAM) is the common and standard name given to a fiber-optic coupling element, which is used in remote testing and monitoring applications to combine the OTDR signal with traffic.

The device used to perform this function is typically a coupler. Some are broadband-type, others are WDM-type or wavelength-division multiplexers, which are spectrally sensitive combiners.

24-WDM / (new) 48-WDM TAM kit

This kit allows 24-48 transmit/receive ports to be coupled with an OTDR test signal with the lowest loss possible, compared to other tapping techniques. These WDMs also isolate Tx/Rx circuits from any OTDR signal coming back from the network in excess of 30 dB.

MTP/MPO 48-channel fanout or patch panel (without WDM)

If you own EXFO test equipment or opt for an optical switch terminated with 12-fiber MTPs or 8-fiber MPOs, and need an SC-APC termination, EXFO also offers the same footprint and assembly, without the WDMs. Similarly to the TAM kits, 3 m-long multifiber pigtails at the rear can connect to the front/rear of the test equipment that is terminated with a multifiber connector. This is used to transfer from multifiber to single-fiber cabling, close to the test equipment.
