your smarter network in sight
Análisis de macrodatos
Centros de datos
Pruebas de Ethernet/IP
Fibra en todas partes
Acceso de cobre FTTx
Redes de alta velocidad
Internet de los objetos (IoT)
Laboratorio y fabricación
Infraestructura móvil
Supervisión de redes y servicios
Orquestación de pruebas
Tecnologías inalámbricas
Pruebas PIC
The need for a new type of telecom service assurance: adaptive service assurance delivers end-to-end network visibility
Por Mark Hiseman
Reveal the invisible with the EXFO service assurance platform
Por Kenneth Trueman
Structural tension: how capturing 5G enterprise revenue challenges MNOs
Por Mae Kowalke
The big data paradox
Active Network Testing in Telecom Networks
Por Kenneth Trueman
Open RAN builds momentum in 5G deployments and brings new challenges
Por Xanthos N. Angelides
Top 5G standalone service assurance challenges and how to overcome them
Por Mae Kowalke
The benefits of full core-to-RAN insight for integrated troubleshooting
Por Kenneth Trueman
Mobile private networks: 4G was the learning phase, 5G is the growing phase
Por Stéphane Lagain
Four requirements of AI-driven automation for 5G mobile operators
Por Mae Kowalke