your smarter network in sight
Análisis de macrodatos
Centros de datos
Pruebas de Ethernet/IP
Fibra en todas partes
Acceso de cobre FTTx
Redes de alta velocidad
Internet de los objetos (IoT)
Laboratorio y fabricación
Infraestructura móvil
Supervisión de redes y servicios
Orquestación de pruebas
Tecnologías inalámbricas
Pruebas PIC
Is your network 5G-ready? Probably not!
Por Thierno Diallo
It's time to focus on one-way network delays
NFV: Closing the loop for automation
Por Louis Adam
Data boom brings fiber monitoring into focus
Managing customer quality of experience (QoE) with active assurance for IP video
How have virtual and hybrid networks changed the way services are managed
Por Anssi Tauriainen
Active versus passive assurance – are both needed, and why?
Por Claudio Mazzuca
Why measuring your customer’s QoE is critical for a virtual network?
Por Anssi Tauriainen
Why active assurance needs to be part of the service—not the network
Por Michael Campbell
EXFO’s Three-phase Path for Transitioning to NFV
Por William S Greene