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Full-stack assurance

Deliver better 5G customer experience in cloud-native networks

Closing the visibility gap in cloud-native networks to deliver a better 5G experience

The value of cloud-native networks lies in abstracting network and service topologies away from the underpinning infrastructure. However, this creates a visibility gap, making it difficult to correlate quality of experience issues with infrastructure issues. EXFO’s full-stack assurance closes this gap, delivering true bare-metal-to-customer-experience visibility.


Cloud infrastructure abstraction

Cloud infrastructure abstraction breaks the capability of associating elements of the network and service topologies to specific hardware, creating a blind spot for operations teams. Loss of visibility makes it difficult to correlate customer quality-of-experience (QoE) issues with cloud infrastructure issues.


Change drivers

End-user experience is no longer determined by coverage and network performance as "compute and container" infrastructure becomes a new domain to manage, monitor and assure. As complexity escalates with network virtualization, operators must keep up with dynamic onboarding, deployment, and orchestration of cloud-native apps. They must locate performance issues across layers to isolate origin.

Compute infrastructure is the new fault domain and must be actively managed, monitored and assured accordingly.


Use cases

End-user experience is no longer determined by coverage and network performance as “compute and container” infrastructure becomes a new domain to manage, monitor and assure. As complexity escalates with network virtualization, operators must keep up with dynamic onboarding, deployment, and orchestration of cloud-native apps. They must locate performance issues across layers to isolate origin.

Compute infrastructure is the new fault domain and must be actively managed, monitored and assured accordingly.


EXFO has been collaborating with Intel to add the Intel® Platform Telemetry Insights data feed to our EXFO Adaptive Service Assurance platform, providing full insight from CPU performance to customer experience.

Cross-domain visibility

EXFO leverages Intel® Platform Telemetry Insights to achieve service-to-infrastructure cross-domain linkage, giving operators an integrated view of services and underlying infrastructure performance. Correlated visibility across network, service and cloud infrastructure layers, combines with automated diagnostics to pinpoint the origin of degradations.


Next steps

EXFO & Intel collaborate on groundbreaking full-stack assurance solution


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